لبيب ولبيبة

‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات islam. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات islam. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الخميس، 30 مايو 2024

شرح مناسك الحج بالفيديو للأطفال بطريقى ممتعة ( بالفرنسية)


Le fabuleux voyage des pèlerins : à la découverte des étapes du Hajj !

Imaginez un grand voyage rempli d'aventures et de découvertes, un voyage où l'on se rassemble pour partager des moments de foi et d'unité. C'est un peu ça, le Hajj !

Le Hajj, c'est le pèlerinage que les musulmans accomplissent au moins une fois dans leur vie, s'ils en ont les moyens. C'est un voyage extraordinaire à La Mecque, en Arabie Saoudite, pour se rapprocher de Dieu et vivre une expérience spirituelle unique.

Mais comment se déroule ce voyage ?

Voici les étapes principales du Hajj, simplifiées pour les enfants :

1. Le sacralisation:

  • Les pèlerins enfilent une tenue spéciale appelée "ihram", composée de deux pièces de tissu blanc simples.
  • C'est le moment pour eux de se purifier et de se concentrer sur leur intention de se rapprocher de Dieu.

2. La circumambulation de la Kaaba:

  • Les pèlerins font sept tours autour de la Kaaba, la maison cubique sacrée située au centre de la Grande Mosquée de La Mecque.
  • Ils marchent, courent et parfois même font des prières pendant cette circumambulation appelée "tawaf".

3. La course entre Safa et Marwah:

  • C'est l'occasion pour les pèlerins de revivre la course d'Hajar à la recherche d'eau pour son fils Ismaël.
  • Ils courent entre deux collines, Safa et Marwah, situées près de la Kaaba.

4. Le stationnement à Arafat:

  • C'est un moment important de réflexion et de prière.
  • Les pèlerins restent debout toute la journée à Arafat, demandant pardon à Dieu pour leurs péchés et implorant sa miséricorde.

5. La lapidation à Mina:

  • Les pèlerins jettent des cailloux sur trois piliers représentant les tentations auxquelles le prophète Ibrahim a résisté.
  • C'est un symbole de leur volonté de se soumettre à Dieu et de rejeter les tentations du diable.

6. Le sacrifice d'un animal:

  • Les pèlerins sacrifient un animal, généralement un mouton ou une chèvre.
  • La viande est ensuite partagée entre les pèlerins et les personnes dans le besoin.

7. Le rasage de la tête ou la coupe des cheveux:

  • C'est la dernière étape du Hajj.
  • Les hommes se rasent complètement la tête, tandis que les femmes coupent une mèche de leurs cheveux.

Le Hajj est un voyage unique et inoubliable qui permet aux musulmans de vivre une expérience spirituelle profonde et de se rapprocher de Dieu.

الخميس، 16 مايو 2024

Voyage au cœur de la Sourate Al-fatiha : (video) Une méditation pour les petits musulmans


Méditation sur les sens de la sourate Al Fatiha

Verset 1 : "Au nom d'Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux."

Le premier verset de la sourate Al Fatiha est le Bismillah, une invocation qui est récitée au début de chaque sourate du Coran. Le Bismillah est une expression de la foi en Allah, le Créateur et le Souverain de l'univers. Il est également une invocation de la miséricorde d'Allah.

En méditant sur ce verset, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur les suivants :

  • La signification des noms d'Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux et le Très Miséricordieux.
  • La grandeur et la puissance d'Allah.
  • La miséricorde d'Allah et son amour pour ses créatures.

Verset 2 : "Louange à Allah, Seigneur de l'univers."

Le deuxième verset de la sourate Al Fatiha est une louange à Allah. Il reconnaît Allah comme le Créateur et le Souverain de l'univers, ainsi que le seul Dieu digne d'adoration.

En méditant sur ce verset, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur les suivants :

  • La création de l'univers par Allah.
  • La souveraineté d'Allah sur l'univers.
  • L'unicité d'Allah.

Verset 3 : "Le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux."

Le troisième verset de la sourate Al Fatiha répète les noms d'Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux et le Très Miséricordieux. Ces noms soulignent la miséricorde et la compassion d'Allah.

En méditant sur ce verset, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur les suivants :

  • La miséricorde d'Allah envers ses créatures.
  • La compassion d'Allah envers les pécheurs qui se repentent.

Verset 4 : "Maître du Jour de la Rétribution."

Le quatrième verset de la sourate Al Fatiha fait référence au Jour de la Rétribution, le jour où les gens seront jugés pour leurs actions.

En méditant sur ce verset, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur les suivants :

  • L'importance de se préparer pour le Jour de la Rétribution.
  • La nécessité de se repentir de ses péchés.

Verset 5 : "C'est Toi [Seul] que nous adorons, et c'est Toi [Seul] dont nous implorons le secours."

Le cinquième verset de la sourate Al Fatiha est une affirmation de la soumission à Allah. Il affirme qu'Allah est le seul Dieu digne d'adoration et que c'est à lui seul qu'il faut demander l'aide.

En méditant sur ce verset, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur les suivants :

  • L'importance de se soumettre à Allah.
  • La nécessité de compter sur Allah pour obtenir de l'aide.

Verset 6 : "Guide-nous sur le chemin droit."

Le sixième verset de la sourate Al Fatiha est une demande de guidance. Il demande à Allah de guider les croyants sur le droit chemin, le chemin de ceux qui ont reçu sa miséricorde.

En méditant sur ce verset, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur les suivants :

  • La nécessité de demander la guidance à Allah.
  • L'importance de suivre le droit chemin.

Verset 7 : "Le chemin de ceux que Tu as comblés de faveurs, non pas le chemin de ceux qui ont encouru Ta colère, ni celui des égarés."

Le septième verset de la sourate Al Fatiha précise le chemin droit. Il est le chemin de ceux qui ont reçu la miséricorde d'Allah, et non pas le chemin de ceux qui ont encouru sa colère ou qui sont égarés.

الاثنين، 22 يناير 2024

Sourate Al-Ikhlas, mémoriser et méditer, Le Coran simplifié aux enfants. en français


Le Coran simplifié pour mes petits :

Un guide pas-à-pas pour mémoriser la sourate Al-Ikhlas

Voici un excellent livre pour aider les enfants à mémoriser et à contempler la sourate Al-Ikhlas en arabe.

Il contient de nombreuses activités ludiques qui permettent aux enfants de mémoriser rapidement la sourate avec confiance et d'en comprendre le sens en réfléchissant. Sur 20 pages, vous trouverez :

  • Présentation de l'enfant
  • Exercices d'écriture de la sourate
  • Entraînement à la mémorisation de la sourate
  • Réflexion sur la sourate dans son ensemble, y compris ses noms, son concept et ses thèmes
  • Activités pour évaluer les acquisitions de l'enfant
  • Coloriages
  • L'enfant appréciera l'activité "La Ville du Coran", qui le motive à mémoriser puis à construire sa ville en acquérant ses différentes installations.
  • Il y a également une feuille pour préparer son programme quotidien et mensuel.
  • Enfin, vous trouverez des stickers motivants et colorés.

J'espère que ce livre plaira à vos enfants.

الثلاثاء، 22 أكتوبر 2019

كتاب مفاتيح تدبر القرآن

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

نضع بين أيديكم كتاب مفيد جداا
و مهم لتعمق في آيات القرآن وفهمها
وتطبيقها على أنفسنا 

قال تعالى:

كِتَابٌ أَنزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ مُبَارَكٌ لِّيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ (29)

وقوله ( كِتَابٌ أَنـزلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ ) يقول تعالى ذكره لنبيه محمد صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم : وهذا القرآن ( كِتَابٌ أَنـزلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ ) يا محمد ( مُبَارَكٌ لِيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ ) يقول: ليتدبَّروا حُجَج الله التي فيه, وما شرع فيه من شرائعه, فيتعظوا ويعملوا به.
واختلفت القرّاء في قراءة ذلك, فقرأته عامة القراء: ( لِيَدَّبَّرُوا ) بالياء, يعني: ليتدبر هذا القرآن من أرسلناك إليه من قومك يا محمد. وقراءة أبو جعفر وعاصم " لتَدَّبَّرُوا آياته " بالتاء, بمعنى: لتتدبره أنت يا محمد وأتباعك.
وأولى القراءتين عندنا بالصواب في ذلك أن يقال: إنهما قراءتان مشهورتان صحيحتا المعنى, فبأيتهما قرأ القارئ فمصيب ( وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُولُو الألْبَابِ ) يقول: وليعتبر أولو العقول والحِجَا ما في هذا الكتاب من الآيات, فيرتدعوا عما هم عليه مقيمين من الضلالة, وينتهوا إلى ما دلهم عليه من الرشاد وسبيل الصواب.
وبنحو الذي قلنا في معنى قوله ( أُولُو الألْبَابِ ) قال أهل التأويل.
* ذكر من قال ذلك:
حدثنا محمد, قال: ثنا أحمد, قال: ثنا أسباط, عن السديّ( أُولُو الألْبَابِ ) قال: أولو العقول من الناس، 

وقد بيَّنا ذلك فيما مضى قبل بشواهده, بما أغنى عن إعادته في هذا الموضع.

هذا من شرح تفسير الطبري.

إليكم تحميل كتاب 
مفاتيح تدبر القرآن الكريم

لتحميل من هنا 

في حفظ الله

لا تنسى التسجيل بأعضاء مدونتنا 
ومشاركة مواضيعنا

كتاب المراحل الثمان لطالب فهم القرآن تحميل

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أضع بين أيديكم طتاب رائع صراحة لكل مهتم بالقرآن وتدبره

كتاب المراحل الثمان لطالب فهم القرآن 

لتحميل من هنا 

في حفظ الله 

الأحد، 15 سبتمبر 2013

I am a Muslim Islam my religion, you must understand what is Islam to talk about him

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you

there are many months I realized two videos (to get into the video) about Islam a reminder for us the musulmanne Ummah, but also and especially for non-Muslims may be that they come to understand what is Islam.
you must understand what is Islam to talk about him
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you

الخميس، 15 أغسطس 2013

Islam : Pourquoi et Comment se convertir à l’Islam ?


L’Islam consiste à adorer Allah (Dieu) Seul, sans aucune autre divinité, idole ou intermédiaire. C’est le même message que tous les prophètes d’Allah ont délivré : « croyez en un seul Dieu unique, sans aucun associé, intermédiaire, saint, idole, statue ou quoi que ce soit qui puisse altérer cette foi pure ».
L’Islam est l’ultime révélation, celle qui a été apportée par le Prophète succédant au Messie. L’Islam ne renie pas les religions précédentes : elle les englobe.
Allah est le mot arabe pour dire « Dieu », ce n’est pas un « Dieu » arabe ou particulier, c’est Celui qui a créé l’Univers tout entier, c’est le Dieu de tous les hommes et de toute la création.
Allah est le même Dieu que celui de Adam, de Moïse ou de Jésus.
Dieu dit dans le Coran dit :
« Et lorsqu’Allah prit cet engagement des prophètes: « Chaque fois que Je vous accorderai un Livre et de la Sagesse, et qu’ensuite un messager vous viendra confirmer ce qui est avec vous, vous devez croire en lui, et vous devrez lui porter secours ». Il leur dit: « Consentez-vous et acceptez-vous Mon pacte à cette condition »? - »Nous consentons », dirent-ils. « Soyez-en donc témoins, dit Allah. Et Me voici, avec vous, parmi les témoins »
sourate 42 verset 13
Ainsi, l’Islam est la continuité logique des religions précédentes, et il est demandé à l’humanité de suivre à chaque fois le nouveau Prophète envoyé par Allah. Muhammad (paix et bénédictions sur Lui) est l’ultime prophète.
Le musulman n’est pas le dépositaire d’une religion qui lui est particulière.
L’Islam n’est ni une secte, ni une religion ethnique.
L’Islam était la même religion préchée par tous les précédents prophètes.
C’était la vérité enseignée dans tous les livres inspirés (par Dieu). Dans son essence; cela équivaut à une conscience de la Volonté et du Plan de Dieu, et une soumission heureuse à cette Volonté et à ce Plan.
Pareille personne ne peut espérer de guidance, car elle y a délibérément renoncé.
L’Islam tolère les autres religions et ne contraint personne à devenir musulman, bien que la personne qui refuse l’Islam s’égare toute seule malheureusement.
L’Islam, ce n’est pas les musulmans : l’Islam est la religion parfaite révélée par Allah, les musulmans sont des êtres humains imparfaits qui essaient d’appliquer cette religion et à qui il arrive de faire des erreurs, des péchés.
L’Islam transcende toutes les barrières, les frontières, les nationalités, les couleurs de peau, les conditions de vie : en Islam, le riche prie à côté du pauvre, et peu importe leur richesse, ils jeûnent tous les deux.
L’Islam remet tous les compteurs à zéro, il vous donne une seconde chance. Peu importe ce que vous avez fait, qui vous êtes, tous vos péchés sont effacés, vous recommencez une nouvelle vie.
En choisissant l’Islam :
  • vous êtes sous la protection d’Allah et obtenez ce que vous désirez après votre mort. Allah vous accompagnera et ne vous laissera pas seul, ni dans votre tombe, ni pendant votre jugement, ni après.
  • vous êtes en conformité avec les lois de la Nature, avec ce qu’Allah a mis au plus profond de vous, car la Nature toute entière loue et glorifie Allah,
  • vous obtenez un pouvoir : celui de l’invocation exaucée. Sachez qu’Allah répond à l’invocation de celui qui l’invoque quand il l’invoque. Si vous êtes sincère, toutes les portes s’ouvriront
  • vous serez sous la protection d’Allah : personne ne pourra vous faire du mal, ou vous nuire, sans qu’Allah vous défende.
Allah, a dit: « Celui qui montre de l’hostilité à un de Mes bien-aimés, Je lui déclarerai la guerre. Mon serviteur ne se rapproche pas de Moi par une chose que J’aime, comme Il le fait avec ce que Je lui ai prescrit. Et Mon serviteur ne cessera de se rapprocher de Moi par les actes surérogatoires jusqu’à ce que Je l’aime; et, lorsque Je l’aime, Je serais son ouïe avec laquelle il entend, sa vue avec laquelle il voit, sa main avec laquelle il saisit et son pied avec lequel il marche. S’il Me demande, Je lui donnerai ce qu’il veut et s’il sollicite Mon secours, Je le lui accorderai. Et il n’y a pas de chose que J’hésite à faire, et que Je dois, cependant, faire, que de ravir l’âme de Mon serviteur croyant; il déteste la mort, et Moi Je déteste lui faire du tort ».
Pour devenir musulman, il vous suffit de croire en l’Islam, et de réciter cette formule :
Ash-hadu an lâ ilâha illa Allah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rassulu-llâh
Je témoigne qu’il n’y a pas d’autre divinité que Dieu, et je témoigne que Muhammad est son envoyé.
Nous vous conseillons de vous adresser à la mosquée la plus proche de chez vous afin d’être bien encadrés et apprendre l’Islam de manière saine.
Si vous voulez en savoir plus, n’hésitez pas à parcourir ce site très bien fait : Le Guide de L’Islam

الثلاثاء، 7 مايو 2013

Hajj - History of the Hajj- Guide to going to Mecca

Hajj - History of the Hajj- Guide to going to Mecca

Once a year, Muslims of every ethnic group, colour, social status, and culture gather together in Mecca and stand before the Kaaba praising Allah together.

It is a ritual that is designed to promote the bonds of Islamic brotherhood and sisterhood by showing that everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah.
The Hajj makes Muslims feel real importance of life here on earth, and the afterlife, by stripping away all markers of social status, wealth, and pride. In the Hajj all are truly equal.

The Hajjis or pilgrims wear simple white clothes called Ihram. During the Hajj the Pilgrims perform acts of worship and they renew their sense of purpose in the world.
Mecca is a place that is holy to all Muslims. It is so holy that no non-Muslim is allowed to enter.


History of the Hajj

Four thousand years ago the valley of Mecca was a dry and uninhabited place.
Muslims believe the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was instructed to bring his wife, Hajira (Hagar) and their child Is'mail to Arabia from Palestine to protect them from the jealousy of Ibrahim's first wife Sarah.
Allah told the Prophet Ibrahim to leave them on their own, and he did so, with some supplies of food and water. However the supplies quickly ran out and within a few days Hajira and Is'mail were suffering from hunger and dehydration.
In her desperation Hajira ran up and down two hills called Safa and Marwa trying to see if she could spot any help in the distance. Finally she collapsed beside Is'mail and prayed to Allah for deliverance.
Is'mail struck his foot on the ground and this caused a spring of water to gush forth from the earth. Hajira and Is'mail were saved. Now they had a secure water supply they were able to trade water with passing nomads for food and supplies.
After a while the Prophet Ibrahim returned from Palestine to check on his family and was amazed to see them running a profitable well.
The Prophet Ibrahim was told by Allah to build a shrine dedicated to him. Ibrahim and Is'mail constructed a small stone structure - the Kaaba or Cube - which was to be the gathering place for all who wished to strengthen their faith in Allah.
As the years passed Is'mail was blessed with Prophethood and he gave the nomads of the desert the message of surrender to Allah.
After many centuries, Mecca became a thriving city thanks to its reliable water source, the well of Zam Zam.
Gradually, the people began to adopt polytheistic ideas, and worship spirits and many different gods. The shrine of the Prophet Ibrahim was used to store idols.
After many years, Allah told the
Prophet Muhammed that he should restore the Kaaba to the worship of Allah only.
In the year 628 the Prophet Muhammed set out on a journey with 1400 of his followers. This was the first pilgrimage in Islam, and would re-establish the religious traditions of the Prophet Ibrahim.

Guide to going to Mecca

Guide to going to Mecca
Pilgrim with his belongings ©

It's best to travel light, so only take essentials.
Many pilgrims fly to Jeddah, and then travel to Mecca by bus.
Once you get to Mecca, there are two rituals which you can perform; the lesser pilgrimage or Umra, and the main pilgrimage or Hajj.
The Umra is an extra, optional pilgrimage and does not count as the once-in-a-lifetime Hajj. Although it includes some of the rituals of the Hajj, they are shortened and there are fewer of them.
Most pilgrims who come for the Hajj arrive a few days before it actually starts and perform Umra first. Combining the Hajj with the Umrah is called a Hajji-Tamattu.

Being pure

To carry out the pilgrimage rituals you need to be in a state of Ihram, which is a special state of ritual purity.
You do this by making a statement of intention, wearing special white clothes (which are also called ihram) and obeying the regulations below.
The person on the Hajj may not:

  • Engage in marital relations

  • Shave or cut their nails

  • Use cologne or scented oils

  • Kill or hunt anything
  • Fight or argue.

  • Women must not cover their faces, even if they would do so in their home country.
  • Men may not wear clothes with stitching.
  • Bathing is allowed but scented soaps are frowned upon.


The Hajj is a real pilgrimage - a journey, with rites and rituals to be done along the way.
You begin at a place just outside Mecca called the Miqat, or entry station to the Hajj.
There you bathe, put on the Ihram (the special white clothes), make the intention for Umra and begin reciting the Talbiya Du'a (prayer).
Here I am at Your service, O Allah, here I am at your service! You have no partner. Here I am at your service. All praise and blessings belong to you. All dominion is yours and You have no partner.
Talbiya Du'a

Then you go to the Masjid al Haram and walk around the Ka'ba seven times repeating du'as and prayers. This is called the Tawaf. Afterwards you should sip some Zam Zam water.
Zam Zam water is water from the Zam Zam well, the sacred well which opened in the desert to save Hajira and Is'mail from dying of thirst.
Next you go to the walkway between the hills of Safa and Marwa and walk back and forth between them seven times.
This completes the Umra portion of the Hajj rituals and some of the Ihram restrictions are relaxed.


Now make your intention for the Hajj and put on the Ihram garments again.
Travel to Mina on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah (a date in the Islamic calendar) and remain there until Fajr (dawn) next morning.
Then you travel to the valley of Arafat and stand in the open praising Allah. The heat of Arabia at midday provides a hint as to what the Day of Judgement will be like.
At the end of the day, travel to Muzdalifa for the night. Gather together 49 or 70 small stones together to use the next day.
In the morning you return to Mina and throw the stones at pillars called Jamraat. These represent the devil. Then a sacrifice called a Qurbani should be made in which a lamb or sheep is slaughtered and the meat distributed among the poor. After this, men's heads are shaved and women cut a lock of their hair.
Then return to Mecca and make a Tawaf (this is the ritual of walking around the Ka'aba seven times). Then it's back to Mina for 3 or 4 days, stoning the pillars each day.
Finally do a farewell Tawaf in Masjid-al Haram on the twelfth day of the month of Dhul Hijjah, ask Allah's forgiveness, make du'a and the Hajj is finished.
Many people then go to the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, but this is optional.
A man who has completed the Hajj is called a Hajji, a woman who has completed it is called a Hajjah.
At the end of the Hajj, Muslims from all over the world celebrate the holiday known as the
Eid ul Adha or Festival of the sacrifice.
This festival commemorates the obedience of the Prophet Ibrahim when he was ordered to sacrifice his son Is'mail.
Ibrahim proved his love and devotion to Allah by showing his willingness to kill his beloved son if Allah wished it. In the end Ibrahim did not have to kill his son as Allah gave him a ram to sacrifice instead.

One of the pillars of Jamraat


Comparing Jesus & Muhammad

Comparing Jesus & Muhammad

"The Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you."

[Bible - John 14:26]

Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "A messenger will come after me, named Ahmad."

[Holy Quran 61:6]

The chief priests and Levites asked John the Baptist, "If you are not the Christ (Messiah), and not Elijah - are you THAT Prophet?"

[Bible - John 1:20]

When the chief priests and Levites asked John the Baptist who he was, they asked him in a very strange way. First they questioned him as to whether or not he was the anticipated "Messiah" [Christ in Koine Greek]. He was not the "Messiah" that had hoped for. Next they asked if he was the prophet Elijah and again he tells them, "No." Now comes the really strange part. Finally, they asked him if he is "That Prophet?"

Are you Christ? - [No]
Are you Elijah? - [No]
Are you THAT Prophet? - [No]

What did they mean by "That Prophet?" We of course, know who the "Christ" is. After all, Christians should know that "Christ" is merely a shortened form of the Koine Greek word "christos," intended to mean the Hebrew word "Messiah."

The Jews of two thousand years ago were definitely looking for the Messiah, who it was foretold in their books, would come and lead them to victory over their oppressors and thus gain for them mastery over this world. They were much oppressed under Roman domination and even their own Jewish kings were seen as nothing more than puppets or agents for the disbelievers. Certainly, they would have been most happy to see someone come on the scene who would defeat their Roman masters and slave drivers.

Then the priests and Levites asked John the Baptist if he might be the prophet Elijah, returning back after hundreds of years being away. There was the notion amongst them that Elijah would come back. But again, John the Baptist is denying he is Elijah.

Then, who is he? They wonder at this man living out in the desert and forsaking wealth and luxury and fasting, avoiding the material attractions of life.

Again, they ask John the Baptist who he is. "Are you THAT Prophet?" And one more time he denies being "THAT Prophet," but then he does tell them about someone who will come after him soon, whom he claims he is not worthy to even unlace his shoes.

However, this does not answer the question, "Who were they expecting besides the Messiah?" Could it be they were looking for someone like Muhammad? (Could be)

Who is THAT Prophet? -

Keep reading and learn who "That Prophet" is and what other proofs can be discovered within the Holy texts to support this idea.

For centuries Muslims have believed Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, was "THAT Prophet" mentioned in these words of the Gospel of John. The Quran states one of the important features of Jesus' mission was to give the "bashir" or 'glad tidings' of the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. During his short missionary career that lasted not more than three years, and which was overshadowed by the hostile attitude of his own people, Jesus gave them the good news of Ahmad, (one of the forms of "Muhammad") the last messenger of God, who would perfect the divine teaching both in theory and in practice. The Quran mentions that, Jesus says:

"O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah {Almighty God} (sent) to you, confirming the Law (Torah or Old Testament) before me, and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad."

[Holy Quran 61:6]

The Quran gives the name as Ahmad, one of several ways to say Muhammad's name. Just as we have in English the name Joseph, and often use a shorter form such as "Joe" or the familiar form, "Joey," and other names like "Jonathan" which becomes "John"; "Jack" or "Johnny", so in the same way we find Arabic has similar forms for a name. Muhammad, Ahmad and Hamad are a few of the names originating from the root word, "hamd" (meaning 'praise) in Arabic, and can be understood as "The one who praises (God)"; "the praised one"; "praising"; etc.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his translation of the meanings of the Quran to English, he states, "Ahmad or Muhammad, the Praised One is a translation of the Koine Greek word Periclytos. In the present gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 and 16:7, the Greek word Paracletos is translated in the NIV as Comforter. Paracletos can mean an Advocate, or "one called to the help of another", "a kind friend." Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was known from birth as one who brought comfort and reconciliation to family, friends and strangers alike, especially in bringing together the ties of kinship and brotherly love.

Another nick name of the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, mentioned in the Bible (or at least what is left of it in the English language) is "The Spirit of Truth." As-Saddiq means exactly that and it is was another name given to Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, by those who knew his proclivity for honesty and integrity.

The New Testament Gospel according to John, Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, promises them the Paracletos will come four times (John 14:16; 14:26; 15:26; 16:7). Naturally, Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, did not return in their lifetime nor did any other prophet for that matter, so later thinkers came up with the notion that it was not Jesus "in person" but rather, Jesus coming back in "spirit form." This led some Christians to assert, this was to be the Holy Spirit, who would descend upon the disciples on the Day of the Pentecost (Acts 2), to witness Christ and lead them into the whole truth and to be with the believers forever, and they would not die (John 3:16), but have everlasting life. Also, some added verses later (see footnotes to Revised Standard Version of the Bible) to the very last chapter of Mark (16), wherein, they have the Spirit coming upon them in such a way they imagined themselves going to be able to speak with new languages; pick up snakes, lay hands on the sick to cure them and even drink poison and nothing would hurt them. [Luke 23:17-18]

Another point is, the Paracletos, comforter or the Spirit of truth, was going to dwell with us from now on. Certainly anyone could see Muhammad's influence and his message of worshipping only One God without any partners has prevailed long after his earthly life.

More and More about him

Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was an illiterate but wise and well-respected man who was born in Makkah in the year 570 C.E., at a time when Christianity was not yet fully established in Europe. His first years were marked by the deaths of his parents. Since his father died before his birth, his uncle, Abu Talib, from the respected tribe of Quraysh, raised him. As Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) grew up, he became known for his truthfulness, generosity and sincerity, so that he was sought after for his ability to arbitrate in disputes. His reputation and personal qualities also led to his marriage, at the age of twenty-five, to Khadijah, a widow whom he had assisted in business. Thenceforth, he became an important and trusted citizen of Makkah. Historians describe him as calm and meditative.

Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) never felt fully content to be part of a society whose values he considered to be devoid of true religious significance. It became his habit to retreat from time to time to the cave of Hira', to meditate near the summit of Jabal al-Nur, the "Mountain of Light", near Makkah.

At the age of 40, while engaged in one such meditative retreat, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) received his first revelation from God through the Angel Gabriel. This revelation, which continued for twenty-three years, is known as the Qur'an, the faithful recording of the entire revelation of God. The first revelation read:

"Recite: In the name of your Lord Who created man from a clot (of blood). Recite: Your Lord is Most Noble, Who taught by the pen, taught man what he did not know."

[Holy Quran 96:1-5]

It was this reality that he gradually and steadily came to learn and believe, until he fully realized that it is the truth.

His first convert was Khadijah, whose support and companionship provided necessary reassurance and strength. He also won the support of some of his relatives and friends. Three basic themes of the early message were the majesty of the one, unique God, the futility of idol worship, the threat of judgment, and the necessity of faith, compassion and morality in human affairs. All these themes represented an attack on the crass materialism and idolatry prevalent in Makkah at the time. So when he began to proclaim the message to others the Makkans rejected him. He and his small group of followers suffered bitter persecution, which grew so fierce that in the year 622 C.E., God gave them the command to emigrate. This event, the Hijrah (migration), in which they left Makkah for the city of Madinah, some 260 miles to the north, marked the beginning of a new era and thus the beginning of the Muslim calendar. During his suffering, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) drew comfort from the knowledge revealed to him about other prophets, such as Abraham, Joseph, and Moses, each of whom had also been persecuted and tested.

After several years and some significant battles, the Prophet and his followers were able to return to Makkah, where they forgave their enemies and established Islam definitively. By the time the Prophet died, at the age of 63, the greater part of Arabia had accepted Islam, and within a century of his death, Islam had spread as far west as Spain and as far east as China. It was clear that the message was not limited to Arabs; it was for the whole of humanity.

The Prophet's sayings (Hadith), are revelation. The number of sayings collected by his followers and scholars is close to 10,000 in total. Some typical examples of his sayings are as follows:

"To pursue knowledge is obligatory on every believing (man and woman)."
[Ibn Majah]

"Removing a harmful thing from the road is charity." [Bukhari, Muslim] "Those who do not show tenderness and love cannot expect to have tenderness shown to them."

"Adore Allah (God) as though you see Him; even if you do not see Him, He nonetheless sees you."
[Bukhari, Muslim]

Although Muhammad is deeply loved, revered and emulated by Muslims as God's final messenger, he is not an object of worship.

According to the Bible, God said to Moses, on whom be peace: I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. (The Holy Bible, New International Version, Deuteronomy chapter 18, verse 18). The prophet described in the above verse must have the following three characteristics: 1. He will be like Moses. 2. He will come from the brothers of the Israelites, i.e. the Ishmaelites. 3. God will put His words in the mouth of the prophet and he will declare what God commanded him. Let us see which prophet God was speaking of. 1. The prophet like Moses Some people feel that this prophecy refers to the prophet Jesus, on whom be peace. But, although Jesus (peace be upon him and all of God’s prophets and messengers) was truly a prophet of God, he is not the prophet spoken of here. He was born miraculously, and finally God raised him up miraculously. On the other hand, Muhammad is more like Moses; both were born in a natural way and both died natural deaths.

2. From among the Ishmaelites Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac (Genesis, chapter 21). Ishmael became the grandfather of the Arab nation. And Isaac became the grandfather of Jewish nation. The prophet spoken of was to come not from among the Jews themselves, but from among their brothers, the Ishmaelites. Muhammad a descendant of Ishmael, is indeed that prophet. 3. God will put his words in his mouth ‘Neither the content of the revelation, nor its form, were of Muhammad’s devising. Both were given by the angel, and Muhammad’s task was only to repeat what he heard.’ (Word Religions from Ancient history to the Present, by Geoffrey Parrinder, p. 472). God sent the angel Gabriel to teach Muhammad the exact words that he should repeat to the people. The words are therefore not his own; they did not come from his own thoughts, but were put into his mouth by the angel. These are written down in the Qur’an word for word, exactly as they came from God. Now that we know that prophet we must listen to him, for, according to the Bible, God says: ‘I will punish anyone who refuses to obey him’ (Good News Bible, Deut. 18:19). Jesus (on whom be peace) In the Glorious Qur'an The Qur’an tells us many wonderful things about Jesus. As a result, believers in the Qur’an love Jesus, honor him and believe in him. In fact, no Muslim can be a Muslim unless he or she believes in Jesus, on whom be peace. The Qur’an says that Jesus was born of a virgin, that he spoke while he was still only a baby, that he healed the blind and the leper by God's leave and that he raised the dead by God's leave. What then is the significance of these miracles? First, the virgin birth. God demonstrates His power to create in every way. God created everyone we know from a man and a woman. But how about Adam, on whom be peace? God created him from neither a man nor a woman. And Eve from only a man, without a woman. And finally, to complete the picture, God created Jesus from a woman, without a man. What about the other miracles? These were to show that Jesus was not acting on his own behalf, but that he was backed by God. The Qur’an specifies that these miracles were performed by God's leave. This may be compared to the Book of Acts in the Bible, chapter 2, verse 22, where it says that the miracles were done by God to show that he approved of Jesus. Also, note that Jesus himself is recorded in the Gospel of John to have said: ‘I can do nothing of my own authority' (5:30). The miracles, therefore, were done not by his own authority, but by God's authority. What did Jesus teach? The Qur'an tells us that Jesus came to teach the same basic message which was taught by previous prophets from God – that we must shun every false god and worship only the One True God. Jesus taught that he is the servant and messenger of the One True God, the God of Abraham. These Qur'anic teachings can be compared with the Bible (Mark 10:18; Matthew 26:39; John 14:28, 17:3, and 20:17) where Jesus teaches that the one he worshipped is the only true God. See also Matthew 12:18; Acts 3:13, and 4:27 where we find that his disciples knew him as ‘Servant of God’. The Qur’an tells us that some of the Israelites rejected Jesus, and conspired to kill him, but God rescued Jesus and raised him to Himself. God will cause Jesus to descend again, at which time Jesus will confirm his true teachings and everyone will believe in him as he is and as the Qur'an teaches about him. Jesus is the Messiah. He is a word from God, and a spirit from Him. He is honored in this world and in the hereafter, and he is one of those brought nearest to God. Jesus was a man who spoke the truth which he heard from God. This can be compared with the Gospel According John where Jesus says to the Israelites: ‘You are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God’ (John 8:40).


Evidences of His Prophethood

Comparing Jesus & Muhammad 3part

Divine facilitation is proportionate to human need. God makes acquisition easier as the need of humans increase. Air, water, and sunlight are necessary for human survival, and thus God has granted their acquisition to all without hardship. The greatest human need is to know the Creator, and thus, God has made it easy to know Him. The evidence for God, however, differs in its nature. In its own way, everything in creation is evidence of its Creator. Some evidence is so obvious that any lay person can immediately ‘see’ the Creator, for instance, the cycle of life and death. Others ‘see’ the handiwork of the Creator in the elegance of mathematical theorems, universal constants of physics, and the development of the embryo:
“Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, - there are indeed signs for men of understanding.” (Quran 3:190)
Like the existence of God, human beings need evidence to establish the truth of prophets who spoke in His name. Muhammad, like the prophets before him, claimed to be God’s final prophet to humanity. Naturally, the evidence for his veracity is diverse and numerous. Some are obvious, while others are apparent only after deep reflection.
God says in the Quran:
“…Is it not enough (for them to know) that your Lord is witness unto everything?” (Quran 41:53)
Divine witness by itself is sufficient without any other evidence. God’s witness for Muhammad lies in:
(a) God’s past revelations to earlier prophets which prophesize Muhammad’s appearance.
(b) God’s Acts: the miracles and ‘signs’ He gave to support Muhammad’s claim.
How did it all begin in the early days of Islam? How were the first believers convinced he was God’s prophet?
The first person to believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad was his own wife, Khadija. When he returned home trembling out of fear after receiving divine revelation, she was his solace:
“Never! By God, God will never disgrace you. You keep good relations with your relatives, help the poor, serve your guests generously, and assist those hit with calamities.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
She saw in her husband a man God would not humiliate, because of his virtues of honesty, justice, and helping the poor.
His closest friend, Abu Bakr who had known him all his life and was almost the same age, believed the moment he heard the words, ‘I am God’s Messenger’ without any additional confirmation other than the open book of his friend’s life.
Another person who accepted his call on merely listening to it, was ‘Amr’[1]He says:
“I used to think before Islam that people were in error and they were on nothing. They worshipped idols. In the meantime, I heard of a man preaching in Mecca; so I went to him…I asked him: ‘Who are you?’ He said: ‘I am a Prophet.’ I again said: ‘Who is a Prophet?’ He said: ‘God sent me.’ I said: ‘What did He send you with?’ He said: ‘I have been sent to join ties of relationship, to break the idols, and to proclaim the unity of God so nothing is associated with Him (in worship).’ I said: ‘Who is with you in this?’ He said: ‘A free man and a slave (referring to Abu Bakr and Bilal, a slave, who had embraced Islam by that time).’ I said: ‘I intend to follow you.’” (Saheeh Muslim)
Dimad was a desert healer who specialized in mental illnesses. On his visit to Mecca he heard the Meccans say that Muhammad (may the blessing and mercy of God be upon him) was insane! Confident of his skills, he said to himself, ‘If I were to come across this man, God might cure him at my hand.’ Dimad met the Prophet and said: ‘Muhammad, I can protect (one) who suffers from mental illness or under sorcery, and God cures one whom He so desires at my hand. Do you desire to be cured?’ The Prophet of God responded, starting with his usual introduction to his sermons:
“Indeed, praise and gratitude is for God. We praise Him and ask for His help. He who God guides, none can lead astray, and he who is led astray cannot be guided. I bear witness no one deserves worship but God, He is One, has no partners, and Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger.”
Dimad, stuck by the beauty of the words, asked him to repeat them, and said, ‘I have heard the words of diviners, sorcerers, and poets, but I have never heard such words, they reach the depth of the oceans. Give me your hand so I may pledge my allegiance to you on Islam.’[2]
After Gabriel brought the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad, Khadija, his wife, took him to visit her old cousin, Waraqa bin Nawfal, a biblical scholar, to discuss the event. Waraqa recognized Muhammad from the prophecies of the Bible and confirmed:
“This is the Keeper of Secrets (Angel Gabriel) who came to Moses.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
The face can be a window to the soul. Abdullah bin Salam, the chief rabbi of Medina at the time, looked at the face of the Prophet when he arrived in Medina, and exclaimed:
“The moment I looked at his face, I knew it was not the face of a liar!” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
Many of those around the Prophet who did not accept Islam did not doubt in his veracity, but refused to do so for other reasons. His uncle, Abu Talib, aided him throughout his life, confessed to the truthfulness of Muhammad, but refused to break off from the religion of his ancestors out of shame and social status.


[1] Amr b. Abasa Sulami.
[2] Saheeh Muslim.


?Is He a Liar

A Logical Analysis of His Claim

As discussed earlier, Muhammad made the claim, ‘I am God’s Messenger.’ Either he was true in his claim or he was not. We will begin by the assuming the latter and investigate all possibilities raised by skeptics of past and present, discussing some of their misconceptions. Only if all other possibilities are exhausted can one reasonably claim that the only possibility left is that he was true in what he claimed. We will also look at what the Quran has to say on the matter.
Was He a Liar?
Is it possible for a liar to claim for a period of 23 years with unwavering certitude that he is a prophet like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, that there will be no more prophets after him, and that the scripture he has been sent with will remain his lasting miracle till the end of time?
A liar will falter sometimes, perhaps with a friend, maybe with his family members, somewhere he will make a mistake. His message, delivered over two decades, will contradict itself sometimes. But what we see in reality is that the scripture he brought declares freedom from internal inconsistencies, his message remained consistent throughout his mission and even in the midst of a battle, he proclaimed his Prophethood![1]
His life story is preserved book open for everyone to read. Before Islam, he was well-known to his own people to be trustworthy and reliable, an honest man, a person of integrity, who did not lie.[2] It was due to this reason they named him “Al-Ameen”, or “The Trustworthy” He was strongly opposed to lying and warned against it. Is it possible for him to tell a consistent lie for 23 years, a lie so monstrous that it would make him a social outcast, when he was never known to have lied even once about anything? It’s simply against the psychology of liars.
If one was to ask why a person would make claim to Prophethood and lie, their answer might be one of two:
1)Fame, Glory, wealth and status.
2)Moral progress.
If we were to say that the Muhammad claimed prophethood for fame glory and status, we would see that what actually occurred was the exact opposite. Muhammad, before his claim to Prophethood, enjoyed a high status in all aspects” He was of the most noble of tribes, of the most noble of families, and was known for his truthfulness. After his claim, he became a social outcast. For 13 years in Makkah, he and his followers faced excruciating torture, which led to the death of some of his followers, ridicule, sanctioning, and excommunication from society.
There were many other ways which a person could gain fame in the society of that time, mainly from valor, and poetry. If Muhammad had made the claim that he himself authored the Quran, as will be explained later, that would have been enough for his name and poetry to be engraved in gold and hung inside the Ka’bah for eternity, people from all over the world hallowing him. Rather, he proclaimed that he was not the author of his revelation, and that it was from the One high above, causing him to be ridiculed in his time until ours.
The Prophet was the husband of a wealthy tradeswoman, and he enjoyed the comforts of life available to him at his time. But after his claim of prophethood, he became of the poorest of people. Days passed without stove fire being lit in his house, and at one time, hunger drove him to the mosque in hope of some provision. The leaders of Makkah in his time offered him the riches of the world in order for him to leave his message. As a response to their offer, he recited the verses of the Quran 41:1-38.11. The Following are some of these verses:
“(As for) those who say: ‘Our Lord is God,’ and, further, stand straight and steadfast, the angels descend upon them, saying: ‘Fear not, nor be grieved, and receive good news of the garden which you were promised. We are your guardians in this world's life and in the hereafter, and you shall have therein what your souls desire and you shall have therein what you ask for. A hospitable gift from one Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful!’ And who is better in speech than one who calls to God, works righteousness, and says, ‘I am of those who have submitted in Islam?’ Nor can goodness and evil be equal. Repel (evil) with what is better: Then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate. And no one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint, - none but persons of the greatest good fortune.” (Quran 41:30-35)
If one were to say that Muhammad lied and claimed prophethood in order to bring moral and religious reform to a society ridden with ills, this argument is futile in itself, for how can one bring moral reform through a lie. If Muhammad was so keen to uphold and preach upright morals and worship of One God, then could he have lied himself in doing so? If we say that this is not possible, the only answer is that he was speaking the truth. The only other possibility is that he was insane.


[1]Saheeh Al-Bukhari
[2]‘Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources’ by Martin Lings, p. 34.


Was He Insane, a Poet, or a Sorcerer

?Was He Insane
Someone who has dealt with mentally ill knows people can be identified by their symptoms. Muhammad displayed no symptom of insanity at any time in his life. No friend, wife, or family member suspected or abandoned him due to insanity.

As for the effects of revelations on the Prophet, such as perspiration and the likes, it was due to the intensity of the Message which he had to bear and not due to any epileptic fit or instance of insanity...

Quite to the contrary, Muhammad preached for a long time and brought a Law unknown in its completeness and sophistication to ancient Arabs. If the prophet was insane, it would have been obvious to those around him at one point in a period of twenty three years.

When in history did an insane man preach his message to worship One God for ten years, three of which he and his followers spent in exile, and eventually became the ruler of his lands? Which insane man has ever won the hearts and minds of people who met him and earned the respect of his adversaries?

More so, his closest companions, Abu Bakr and Umar were recognized for their abilities, nobility, skills, and finesse. They were willing to sacrifice anything for the religion he brought.

On one occasion, Abu Bakr, brought all his material possessions to Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, and when asked what he left for his family, responded, ‘I left for them God and His Messenger!’

Abu Bakr, a merchant by profession, after being elected the ruler of all of Arabs after Muhammad, spent a mere two dirham on himself and his family!

Umar became the ruler of Arabia after Abu Bakr and conquered Syria, Egypt, and subdued the Persian and Roman Empires. He was a man known for his scrupulous justice. How can someone suggest these people were following a mentally deranged individual?

God suggests: stand before God without bias or pre-conceived beliefs, and discuss it with another person or think about it yourself, this prophet has no madness, he is as stable today as you had known him for forty years.

“Say: ‘I counsel you one thing only: Be (ever_ conscious of) standing before God, whether you are in the company of others or alone; and then bethink yourselves (that) there is no madness in (this prophet,) your fellow-man: he is only a warner to you of suffering severe to come.’” (Quran 34:46)

The Meccans of old rejected his call out of tribal partisanship, and they were not truthful in their accusations of his insanity. Even today, many people refuse to accept Muhammad as a prophet simply because he was an Arab and self-gratify themselves by saying he must have been insane or worked for the devil. Their hatred for Arabs translates into their rejection of Muhammad, even though God says:

“Nay, but he (whom you call a mad poet) has brought the truth; and he confirms the truth of (what the earlier of God’s) message-bearers (have taught).” (Quran 37:37)

Although the pagan Arabs knew Muhammad all too well, but they still through accusations of insanity at him, for they considered his religion a sacrilege against the tradition of their forefathers.

“And when our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, they say, ‘This is not but a man who wishes to avert you from that which your fathers were worshipping.’ And they say, ‘This is not except a lie invented.’ And those who disbelieve say of the truth when it has come to them, ‘This is not but obvious magic.’ And We had not given them any scriptures which they could study, and We had not sent to them before you, (O Muhammad), any warner. And those before them denied, and they (the people of Mecca) have not attained a tenth of what We had given them. But they (i.e., the former peoples) denied My messengers, so how (terrible) was My reproach.” (Quran 34:43-45)

?Was He A Poet

God mentions their accusation in the Quran and responds to it:

“Or do they say (of you), ‘A poet for whom we await a misfortune of time?’ Say, ‘Wait, for indeed I am, with you, among the waiters.’ Or do their minds command them to (say) this, or are they a transgressing people? Or do they say, ‘He has made it up?’ Rather, they do not believe.” (Quran 52:30-32)

God describes the poets of that time so the Prophet can be compared with them:

“And as for the poets - (they, too, are prone to deceive themselves: and so, only) those who are lost in grievous error would follow them. Art thou not aware that they roam confusedly through all the valleys (of words and thoughts)
[1], and that they (so often) say what they do not do (or feel)? (Most of them are of this kind -) save those who have attained to faith, and do righteous deeds, and remember God unceasingly, and defend them_selves (only) after having been wronged, and (trust in God’s promise that) those who are bent on wrong_doing will in time come to know how evil a turn their destinies are bound to take!” (Quran 26:224-227)
Arabian poets were the furthest from the truth, speaking of wine, womanizing, war, and leisure, unlike the Prophet who invites to good manners, serving God, and helping the poor. Muhammad followed his own teachings before anyone else unlike the poets of old or philosophers of today.

The Quran which the Prophet recited was unlike any poetry in its style. The Arabs of the time has strict rules in regards to rhythm, rhyme, syllables and endings to each verse of poetry. The Quran did not conform to any of the rules which were known in the time, but at the same time, it surpasses any type of text which the Arabs had ever heard. Some of them actually became Muslims after hearing only a few verses of the Quran, due to their certain knowledge that the source of something so beautiful as it could not be any created being.

Muhammad was never known to have composed a poem before Islam or after Prophethood. Rather, the Prophet had a sever dislike for it. Compilations of his statements, called Sunna, have been diligently preserved and are completely different in its literary content than the Quran. The store-house of Arabic poetry does not contain any couplets by Muhammad.

?Was He A Sorcerer

Prophet Muhammad never learned or practiced sorcery. On the contrary, he condemned the practice of sorcery and taught his followers how to seek protection against it.

Sorcerers have a strong relationship with the devil. Their partnership allows them to deceive people. Devils propagate lies, sins, obscenities, immorality, evil, and they destroy families. The Quran clarifies those upon whom the devils descend:

“Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend? They descend upon every sinful liar. They pass on what is heard, and most of them are liars.” (Quran 26:221-223)

Prophet Muhammad was known and recognized to be a man of integrity true to his word who was not known to have ever lied. He commanded good morals and fine manners. No sorcerer in world history has brought a scripture like the Quran or a Law like his.

[1]The idiomatic phrase is used, as most of the commentators point out, to describe a confused or aimless - and often self-contradictory - play with words and thoughts. In this context it is meant to stressthe difference between the precision of the Quran, which is free from all inner contradictions, and the vagueness often inherent in poetry.

Written by S.H. Pasha

?You may be an atheist or an agnostic; or you may belong to anyone of the religious denominations that exist in the world today. You may be a Communist or a believer in democracy and freedom. No matter what you are, and no matter what your religious and political beliefs, personal and social habits happen to be -YOU MUST STILL KNOW THIS MAN!
He was by far the most remarkable man that ever set foot on this earth. He preached a religion, founded a state, built a nation, laid down a moral code, initiated numberless social and political reforms, established a dynamic and powerful society to practice and represent his teachings, and completely revolutionized the worlds of human thought and action for all times to come.
HIS NAME IS MUHAMMAD, peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon him and he accomplished all these wonders in the unbelievably short span of twenty-three years.
Muhammad, peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him was born in Arabia on the 20th of August, in the year 570 of the Christian era, and when he died after 63 years, the whole of the Arabian Peninsula had changed from paganism and idol-worship to the worship of One God; from tribal quarrels and wars to national solidarity and cohesion; from drunkenness and debauchery to sobriety and piety; from lawlessness and anarchy to disciplined living; from utter moral bankruptcy to the highest standards of moral excellence. Human history has never known such a complete transformation of a people or a place before or since!
The Encyclopedia Britannica calls him "the most successful of all religious personalities of the world". Bernard Shaw said about him that if Muhammad were alive today he would succeed in solving all those problems which threaten to destroy human civilization in our times. Thomas Carlysle was simply amazed as to how one man, single-handedly, could weld warring tribes and wandering Bedouins into a most powerful and civilized nation in less than two decades. Napoleon and Gandhi never tired of dreaming of a society along the lines established by this man in Arabia fourteen centuries ago.
Indeed no other human being ever accomplished so much, in such diverse fields of human thought and behavior, in so limited a space of time, as did Muhammad, peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him. He was a religious teacher, a social reformer, a moral guide, a political thinker, a military genius, an administrative colossus, a faithful friend, a wonderful companion, a devoted husband, a loving father - all in one. No other man in history ever excelled or equaled him in any of these difficult departments of life.
The world has had its share of great personalities. But these were one sided figures who distinguished themselves in but one or two fields such as religious thought or military leadership. None of the other great leaders of the world ever combined in himself so many different qualities to such an amazing level of perfection as did Muhammad, peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him.
The lives and teachings of other great personalities of the world are shrouded in the mist of time. There is so much speculation about the time and the place of their birth, the mode and style of their life, the nature and detail of their teachings and the degree and measure of their success or failure that it is impossible for humanity today to reconstruct accurately and precisely the lives and teachings of those men.
Not so this man Muhammad, peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him. Not only was he born in the fullest blaze of recorded history, but every detail of his private and public life, of his actions and utterances, has been accurately documented and faithfully preserved to our day. The authenticity of the information so preserved is vouched for not only by faithful followers but also by unbiased critics and open-minded scholars.
At the level of ideas there is no system of thought and belief-secular or religious, social or political-which could surpass or equal ISLAAM- the system which Muhammad peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him propounded. In a fast changing world, while other systems have undergone profound transformations, Islaam alone has remained above all change and mutation, and retained its original form for the past 1400 years. What is more, the positive changes that are taking place in the world of human thought and behavior, truly and consistently reflect the healthy influence of Islam in these areas. Further, it is not given to the best of thinkers to put their ideas completely into practice, and to see the seeds of their labors grow and bear fruit, in their own lifetime. Except of course, Muhammad, peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him, who not only preached the most wonderful ideas but also successfully translated each one of them into practice in his own lifetime. At the time of his death his teachings were not mere precepts and ideas straining for fulfillment, but had become the very core of the life of tens of thousands of perfectly trained individuals, each one of whom was a marvelous personification of everything that Muhammad peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him taught and stood for. At what other time or place and in relation to what other political, social, religious system, philosophy or ideology-did the world ever witness such a perfectly amazing phenomenon?
Indeed no other system or ideology secular or religious, social or political, ancient or modern - could ever claim the distinction of having been put into practice in its fullness and entirety EVEN ONCE in this world, either before or after the death of its founder. Except of course ISLAAM, the ideology preached by Muhammad, peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him which was established as a complete way of life by the teacher himself, before he departed from this world. History bears testimony to this fact and the greatest skeptics have no option but to concede this point.
In spite of these amazing achievements and in spite of the countless absolutely convincing and authentic miracles performed by him and the phenomenal success which crowned his efforts, he did not for a moment claim to be God or God's incarnation or Son - but only a human being who was chosen and ordained by God to be a teacher of truth to man kind and a complete model and pattern for their actions.
He was nothing more or less than a human being. But he was a man with a noble and exalted mission-and his unique mission was to unite humanity on the worship of ONE AND ONLY GOD and to teach them the way to honest and upright living in accordance with the laws and commands of God. He always described himself as A MESSENGER AND SERVANT OF GOD, and so indeed every single action and movement of his proclaimed him to be.
A world which has not hesitated to raise to Divinity individuals whose very lives and missions have been lost in legend and who historically speaking did not accomplish half as much-or even one tenth-as was accomplished by Muhammad, peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him should stop to take serious note of this remarkable man's claim to be God's messenger to mankind.
Today after the lapse of some 1400 years the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him, have survived without the slightest loss, alteration or interpolation. Today they offer the same undying hope for treating mankind's many ills which they did when Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him, was alive. This is our honest claim and this is the inescapable conclusion forced upon us by a critical and unbiased study of history.
The least YOU should do as a thinking, sensitive, concerned human being is to stop for one brief moment and ask yourself: Could it be that these statements, extraordinary and revolutionary as they sound, are really true? Supposing they really are true, and you did not know this man Muhammad, peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him or hear about his teachings? Or did not know him well and intimately enough to be able to benefit from his guidance and example? Isn't it time you responded to this tremendous challenge and made some effort to know him? It will not cost you anything but it may well prove to be the beginning of a completely new era in your life.
Come, let us make a new discovery of the life of this wonderful man Muhammad, peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon him the like of whom never walked on this earth, and whose example and teachings can change YOUR LIFE and OUR WORLD for the better. May God shower His choicest blessings upon him!

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