لبيب ولبيبة

‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات recipe. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات recipe. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الثلاثاء، 18 يونيو 2013

cupcake, so easy recipe and delicious cupcake with colors and variation

That is a very easy recipe and extremely successful for beginners and also for those who love of good taste and cupcake

Since I've tried everyone likes and each time I use variant: chocolate, almond, sesame finally whatever you want it is always as good as the original recipe you find here



Treat yourself


الجمعة، 24 مايو 2013

Jam, cream milk with vanilla at home

Jam, cream milk with vanilla at home

a real treat on your morning toast or icing for your muffin's or cookies,

and also your macaroon.

for a jar
250g caster sugar
1/2 l is semi-skimmed or whole milk
1 tablespoon vanilla

pour into a saucepan
boil for 1-1 minutes,
reduce heat and simmer for 1 to 2 hours.

let cool in refrigerator for 2 to 3 h


1 l of fresh cream
1'5 tbsp vanilla
150 grams of sugar
50 g Sweet butter
50g salted butter salt

الخميس، 23 مايو 2013

Karane, simple and easy recipe with chickpea

This is a simple and easy recipe, a delight for the people in the souks of the country,


made from flour chickpea.

The recipe here
الكران طبق من الغرب الجزائري، وصفة بطحين الحمص

enjoy your meal

Rice salad with vegetables

The salad is the queen of the table it's good and beautiful when it's treat.

Rice salad with vegetables

Boiling rice is prepared or steam,

We need peas, tuna, olives, eggs, you can add small mended carrots, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato and little more like you want to decorate.

Rice carrots mixed with peas mayonnaise tuna aggs, they put them all in a box for a beautiful presentation,
you put in the fridge until ready to serve.

Then we decorate our plates as we desire and we put our rice in the middle.
Season to taste

enjoy your meal

الخميس، 9 مايو 2013

The chicken pastilla, moroccan recipe for celebrations

A Moroccan recipe very popular in the celebrations and family gatherings, a rich and delicious recipe.

The chicken pastilla


1 chicken 1 kg

6 onions chopped fine

1 boots parsley chopped fine

1 tbsp ginger

black pepper


1 and 1/2 tsp saffron

1 tbsp honey

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp white pepper

1 tbsp oil + 1 tsp sMen

2 fight cinnamon

1/2 liter of water

2 tbsp honey orange or lemon

6 eggs
A packet sheet pastilla
We put all the ingredients in a pot on the fire and allowed simmered over low heat until then the sauce is reduced.
our chicken is removed on the bones and cut it to pieces.

It leaves onion over the fire to make it very dry, add honey and eggs and allowed to dry again.

Is added after the chicken is allowed to fire a 15 minutes.
Preparation almond stuffing

250g almond

Extract from orange flower
some cinnamon
Mixed well and our pastilla was prepared as

We takes a dish

We put a little fat

We put our sheet
you but  amount of preparation 
chicken onion, then over a quantity of almonds
And our tab was closed on using eggs
do the same thing for each pastilla or make one big pastilla

put in hot oven 10 to 15 minutes just until browned pastilla

  enjoy your meal


الجمعة، 3 مايو 2013

Basboussa, cake au pain perdu

Une recette de grand mère, très facile et apprécier en plus économique puisqu'on va utilisé du pain perdu au lieu de le jeter.

ma recette et un pain perdu avec goût d'orange.


4 œufs
1 verre de sucre
1 verre de lait
1 verre d'huile
2 sachets de levure chimique
1 verre et 1/2 de semoule
1 verre de chapelure
arôme pour moi zeste d'orange


on mélange les ingrédients secs,

on bât légèrement les œufs,

on ajoute au œufs les ingrédients liquides,
on mélange les deux préparations ensemble,

mettre la pâte dans un moule beurré et enfourner a 180 degré jusqu'à que le biscuit soit cuit.

pour le sirop:

1 l d'eau
500 gr sucre
la peau de deux oranges coupé en morceaux,

mettre le tous dans une casserole, faire cuire pendant 45 mn
puis tamisé pour garder juste le sirop,

arroser votre gâteau avec le sirop, couper en morceau décorer et server.

الخميس، 2 مايو 2013

orange juice and jam at home

To have a good orange juice and also a very good jam home

This is the recipe for you.


1 kg of oranges

a lemon

2 l of water

first preparation

Cook the oranges with water up to what becomes very tender, next  mix well for a very homogeneous and smooth.

Recipe for orange juice

1/2 l of orange puree

2 l of water

250 grams of sugar


The whole is mixed and you have a delicious orange juice.

Recipe for orange marmalade

1 kg of orange puree

800 grams of sugar

1/2 l of water


We put all the ingredients in a pan on the stove until it boils,

Then we reduced the heat and let cook for 30 minutes or 45 minutes

A very good jam is obtained

Can be cooked oranges and make frozen, as we can add them with apricots.

الجمعة، 26 أبريل 2013

Pepper Salad

With the heat there is no better than the salads,
This pepper salad is very easy to achieve very good and nourishing

Grilling peppers, depending on the amount you want.
And remove the chair,
Put some oil in a skillet over medium heat,
Put peppers over a 20mn
Cut one tomato into slices
Put it in the oil after removing peppers,
Good appetite

Finally, we put the peppers in a dish after we put in, the sliced of tomatoes.
Salted and put some cumin and olive oil


pizza with zucchini and eggplant

2 zucchini
1 small eggplant
can put mushrooms
2 large pita or pizza dough
70 grams of tomato sauce
60 grams of grated cheese


slice the zucchini and eggplant in lengthwise
make the gold on a griddle greased

 pitas or put the dough on a baking tray
cover  tomato sauce
sprinkle with half the cheese
then arrange the vegetables
sprinkle with thyme and the rest of gruyere
 bake in a hot oven 240 Degree if pitas
180 degree or more

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